uìza de san pé

uìza de san pé

uìza de san pé


Carloforte and Isola di San Pietro are commonly understood to mean the same thing: the first is the town, the second is the island territory: 51 square kilometres bordered by 33 kilometres of coastline and permanently inhabited by just over 6,000 people, with a long history of customs and traditions tied to the sea. A welcoming population who willingly share their island with those who appreciate peace and quiet, good food and the beauty of the sea.

A history of departures, routes and landings

The many adventures of their Genoese ancestors who set sail centuries ago for Tunisia. Stories of navigation, treasures, coral and nets laden with fish; of slavery in Africa, of liberation and a new small homeland.

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A town of seafarers

U Pàize (the town) where people speak Genoese, think Ligurian and go to sea every day. Proud of their traditions and generous in sharing them with those who arrive. 

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An island of natural treasures

The rocks shaped by the waves, the unspoiled beaches, the thousand colours of the sea. Its wild countryside, the clear light, and fragrant Cistus windblown by the mistral. Its seabed, rich in life and colour. Take in the atmosphere of the whole island and revel in this place of silence, its authenticity and its wealth of surprises.

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The quintessence of the Mediterranean

Ligurian, Sardinian and North African gastronomic traditions come together in the simple and genuine cuisine of u Pàize.

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