When: 19th August – 5th September 2022
Where: Hotel Villa Pimpina
via Genova 106, Carloforte
What: Mostra

Tel: 0781854180
Email info: hotel@villapimpina.it
Facebook: hotel villa pimpina carloforte
Instagram: hotelvillapimpina
Website: www.villapimpina.it

See GoogleMaps


Mariella Pelissero an artist originally from Turin but Carlofortina by adoption since 1978 when she first came to the island, with a strong passion for art and engravings where her love for art and precision is evident:

Engraving means tracing marks that are joined, fragmented and recomposed until the matrix becomes legible, ready for embossing on paper. I engraved linocut matrixes, copper and zinc plates and, with the marks, I tried to fix the wonder we all feel when, immersed in nature, we can ‘SEE’ by looking.

Mariella Pelissero