When: all year round (reservation required)
Where: Meeting place Corso Battellieri 25

Reservations and information:
A spasso per l’Isola by Natalia Lapicca
3388068181 (also on WhatsApp) – carloforteinfo@sanpe.it

Facebook: guidaturisticacf
Instagram: carlofortexperience


Let us look back over a century full of workers’ struggles led by the figure of Dr Giuseppe Cavallera, from Piedmont, defined by the writer Giuseppe Dessì as the pioneer of socialism in Sardinia, analysing the events that animated the activity of the Carloforte boatmen, the only storage port for the minerals extracted in the Iglesiente. Cala Domestica, Buggerru, Piscinas, are some of the routes taken by our intrepid boatmen, also known as Galanzieri.

The tour begins with a private visit to the Cavallera cinema, inaugurated on 1 May 1922 under the name of the Demuro theatre. Gallery after gallery, we will reach the top to admire the beauty of this national monument, the pride of the entire Tabarkino community.

Then follows an urban trek aimed at discovering the history of the monumental buildings built between the 19th and 20th centuries. We will understand the differences between past and present, in relation to the importance assumed by the port of Carloforte, the most important port in Sardinia, after Cagliari, for commercial traffic.

In combination with the 3-hour itinerary, it will also be possible to visit the Sala dei Galanzieri (to be agreed, depending on the opening hours of the Casa del Duca civic museum). If you are curious to learn more, this is the thematic itinerary for you.

Anemmu (let’s go!), your guide Natalia awaits you


Duration: 2 hours.
Suitable for: Couples, Groups, Individual travellers
Difficulty: Easy
Languages spoken: English and Spanish