When: 2, 3, 7 e 9 July 2022
Where: Parco del Generale

Information: 070 262432
Facebook: lecompagniedelcocomero


Puppet and marionette shows

Organised by Le Compagnie del Cocomero
With the collaboration of the Municipality of Carloforte and the Botti du Schoggiu Association



Saturday 2 July, 7 pm
Le Avventure di Pulcinella
By Lisa Ben Ci Venni

Sunday 3 July, 7 pm
Incontri & scontri (Meetings & clashes)
The Teatrino dello Sguardo
By and with: Sara Goldoni

Thursday 7 July, 7 p.m.
Crepi l’avarizia
Compagnia Nasinsù (Bologna)

Saturday 9 July, 7 p.m.
C’era due volte un piede (There was twice a foot)
Teatro dei Piedi
Veronica Gonzales